The UK’s Leading Cognex Integrator –
Vision Intelligence for Manufacturing & Logistics

Bytronic is the leading Cognex integrator for vision inspection. As the UK’s only officially recognised Partner System Integrator (PSI) and Logistics Partner Integrator (LPI), we offer the whole range of Cognex products for machine vision, deep learning and edge learning for manufacturing and logistics. Our team are certified designers and installers of Cognex products. We use the latest Cognex technology to solve complex industrial applications.

  • Increase yield while improving quality
  • Eliminate defects and expensive recalls
  • Create traceability across your production
  • Cut costs with automated vision inspection

Cognex accredited integrator

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Trusted by

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Cognex Logistics

The UK's first Logistics Partner Integrator

Bytronic was the first UK integrator to achieve LPI status. In our work developing logistics inspection and monitoring solutions, our LPI status gives us exclusive access to the very best logistic integration solutions Cognex has to offer.

Decades of joint innovation

For more than 25 years, we have been developing our knowledge and experience of machine vision – supplying companies around the world with vision inspection solutions using 2D cameras, 3D cameras, barcode readers, thermal cameras, multispectral cameras, edge computing and deep learning.

Cognex packaging
Cognex LPI status

An expert partnership

With over 1,000 patents issued or pending and 13% of revenue invested in R&D every year, Cognex has unrivalled expertise in machine vision technology. At Bytronic we use our software engineering skills to integrate Cognex’s vision technology with powerful data analysis and predictive insights to optimise global manufacturing operations.

“No one does deep learning like Cognex...
but Bytronic brings that technology to life."

Mathias Maas, European sales manager, Cognex